Pyra is a multimedia channeler of strange portents situated in the PNW. Pursuing the 21st century Mysteries via the active overlap between Jungian psychology, psychic automatism and the hidden world.
In 2009 she established Jackalope in a tiny metaphysical marketplace to connect subjects with their shadow through the automatism method of art-making.
A decade later in 2019, Jackalope by Pyra was granted its own concentrated 'liminal space', extending this exploration and forming an esoteric exhibition.
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A technique consisting variously of unconscious provocation, sensory limitation, and flirtation with liminality via different mediums to produce a tangible result. A call from and answer to the void.
The outcome of this application granted such minimal interference is chimeric and oracular in nature, prompting interpretation defying the explicit.
Although implied to be ancient in theory, 20th century artist Austin Osman Spare is considered to have pioneered this innovation as a creative form with occultic inference.
Descriptors are limited on this site to allow for immersion in the nature of the method.